horses living in a box should be cleaned daily. To remove loose hair, dirt and maintain basic hygiene. Do not we take it as an obligation and a nuisance. It is something that is part of learning to deal with horses. During that half hour or quarter of an hour we are forging a friendship with the horse, we come before him. The horse is very sensitive to the feelings. By cleaning the horse is familiar with us, learn to respect us and invite you to trust us.
-Before installing : I put the head of the block and took it to where we are going to clean it. First clean the hulls with a clean simple helmets without forgetting the area of \u200b\u200bthe frog. Hull cleaning is important because it is an area where objects can dig producing serious injury, they also often accumulate in manure, which makes them also a source of infection if they are not perfectly clean. After cleaning the hooves, brush the horse first use curry in a circle moving aggressively to take away dirt and then Please pass the hair brush. This step is important as cleaning the hair dried sweat and dirt, avoid many problems in the horse's skin. Also used a comb to detangle the mane and tail of the horse.
-After mounting: is important to give a shower at the bottom of the legs always from the hull up (in winter) and summer shower over. It is important, but it's cold, wash your hands and feet after he mounted the horse, helps cool and relax the tendons after exercise, and can prevent possible injury. If we showered the horse completely is advisable to wear a sweat to clean drain. Images of the vessels for cleaning

BRUSH ESTATE: Whose bristles can be natural or plastic. Useful for removing stains themselves on the block (dried mud, manure ...)..

curry: Valid for cleaning the rump, should be used gently. CLEAN

to remove excess water (rain, shower ...) or sweat.

to fix glue, toupee, hair and hair protruding ears.
which may be manually or mechanically, either of which will be of great help in cutting the horse hair

is a form of cleansing only recommended if the horse is dirty fat as excess soap dries the skin of the animal, reaching itchy and even leaving dull (if not more convenient washing with water only). For the horse shower with soap and water is recommended to follow these guidelines:
Use special soaps.
Apply soap only once (no to clarify and re-soap).
Use hot water.
In winter animal should wash the parts, using a blanket to cover the site of the body that are not cleaned. If we are at a low temperature should be fast in the bathroom and, once finished, dried and immediately cover the horse so it does not get cold.
There special sponge, we recommend using one for soaping and another for rinsing.
use a circular motion to lather on the animal's body.
not lather the horse's head.
proper method for cleaning the horse in the days of cold, where possible avoid colds.
To clean the horse in this way will need a bucket with hot water, a towel as large as possible and a special shampoo (just in case there is dirty or that it is from fat); also recommend that you use gloves gum (to hold hot water.)
The way is as follows:
We add a little shampoo to the hot water we have in the cubo.Introducimos the towel in the water to soak.
slip and deploy the towel to slide onto the horse's hair, for only a few seconds (so to soak).
wrap the towel and rubbed her hair. We
Gently towel in the direction of the hair.
repeat the whole operation for each part of the horse, making sure the water is always hot.
is a part of the horse should always remain clean. Although we do not have time to wash the horse completely, at least once a day we will spend a few minutes to clean their hulls. We will use just a limpiacascos.
is an area where you may catch various objects, causing considerable injury risk, plus they usually accumulates in manure, which makes them also a source of infection if not perfectly clean.
This is compounded by the fact that horses with soft helmets often have the problem that will wear out very easily and quickly, especially on the side of the heels so the daily check is essential. In this review we also discuss the state of the shoes, their settlement, the nails ... The daily cleaning of the hulls can avoid numerous setbacks. Limpiacascos appointed
addition, we recommend using two other products, which are: Tar
helmet, that will help to eliminate bacteria, germs and odors. Ointment
helmets: enhances and supports their natural development, preventing cracking and encouraging elasticity).
We also recommend that you carry a limpiacascos during walks with his horse, so that if he starts to limp, you can analyze whether there is any problem (you have a object stuck), and if so fix it right then
type cleaning should be done once the horse has completed its work and in that moment your body is hot, which helps to release dirt more easily.
First we remove all traces of mud and sweat with the plane of roots that pass over the horse's skin gently so as not to disturb him. Must be paid special attention to sensitive areas, head, belly and inside of the limbs.
After Bruza and we will take the pass aggressively for each part of the horse. It should make about six passes in every place, without hitting the animal with Bruza but rather supporting it gently but firmly so that the bristles penetrate your hair and skin clean.
After each pass is advisable to clean the Bruz, for which the rubbing against the curry. Always clean
down and backwards.
then cleaned the hulls.
The face and upper third should be washed with sponges.
Finally, it should comb the tail and mane with a brush.
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