The hull and hardware:
Nullus pedis, nullus equus . Here is a saying that has lost its old value.
The hardware is shown, now more than ever, indispensable in the life of the horse. As the horse was losing its interest as a driver, and went on to become an athlete, their dependence Farrier is greater the higher the level at which it moves.
A good farrier is worth his weight in gold. A bad hardware can ruin a horse for life and unfortunately the wrong fittings abound, and often even fom

The role of the farrier is essential for the management of our horses. An appropriate hardware, made in accordance with the most sound scientific principles, can make a big difference to the welfare and performance of the horse.
The vast majority of consultations in relation to the vet with our horses (it is estimated that up to 80%) relate to the care of their patas.Y not surprisingly, the horse is an animal of a large volume and heavy weight, which spread over four slender legs ending in little feet. Although it is capable of running at high speeds carrying a rider or jobs that you are a serious effort fĂsico.A Everybody knows the enormous importance of the limbs in perfect condition of his horse, but nevertheless , many still leave out basic care to be performed.
The hull
The Wall: the outer zone. Its growth is down from the crown.
2 .- The outsole slightly concave side fulfills its mission to protect the hull of injury. We must be very careful with it because it is very thin.
3 .- The Tadpole: non-slip shock absorbing mechanism that enables the hull to extend and contract with every step. It is essential to keep clean at all times to avoid problems in the hull.
Many will wonder why the horses that live in the wild do not need all this care and live many years without serious problems on their helmets. The reason is clear: the human animal asked to carry out a series of tasks that the wild horse has to carry not Tsar carrying a rider, jump, gallop on asphalt, stay long hours stabled ... All these activities are not natural and unnatural causes tension in the feet and legs animal.La Hull cornea continues to grow throughout the life of the horse (it is estimated that approximately one centimeter per month on average), but also will wearing, especially if the animal is working on a hard surface. Hence the need for hardware, which will serve to prevent excessive wear of the helmet.
It is therefore essential that the work of cleaning is done every day, choosing to do so as best time just prior to use cleaning montar.Para called LIMPIACASCOS (more adelane has a photo), as follows:
try to remove dirt working from the heel to the fire; being careful not to penetrate into the soft parts of the frog.
take care especially cleanliness of the side grooves of the frog, as it is the preferred place for bacteria, stones and anything sharp. When

will verify the absence of cuts or cracks, and the degree of dryness of the hull.
If we detect a bad smell, there's a good chance of finding an infection. If so, we will completely clean the hull and apply hydrogen peroxide in the affected areas. This operation repeat it at least once a day (and of course, discuss this with your veterinarian or farrier).
To finish cleaning, check that the shoe stays perfectly in place and spend the fingers by rivets to ensure that they remain in place.
Keep in mind that if we make daily cleaning, we can not perceive the appearance of a problem until the moment the horse starts to limp, which sometimes may be too late.
Besides cleaning the hulls, we take special care in cleaning the barn. It is essential that a feedlot animal has a clean, dry bed, there is nothing more destructive to the hulls that ammonia equine waste and decomposing bedding.
Besides, it appears as the main risk factor changes in moisture content (wet / dry) normally produce after training with our horse. We must ensure that these changes are kept to a minimum and use some type of topical application to seal the right amount of moisture, while allowing the necessary step of oxygen.
When the horse shod? Horseshoe is as the "sole" which protects the horse's hoof, prevents excessive wear and care of the damage. Something essential especially when the man used the horse for competition or for cutting trabajo.Tanto helmets as the hardware should be made by the blacksmith with a periodicity that depends directly on the level and type of work done by the animal, together with its rapid crecimiento.Debemos have that if we spend too much time without cutting, hull balance is altered in a dangerous manner, and may even cause permanent damage to the leg of originThe hoof growth, wear of the shoe and its fit the hull are the main factors in determining when a horse must be re herrado.Para know if a hardware is good, we must consider the following points:
* Nails are the right size.
* The heels are perfectly protected by the hardware.
* Rivets are about one third of the height.
loss horseshoes: We must be aware of the loss of a erradura h is not something that happens in an instant, but is motivated by a number of issues that must be considered and controlar.Estos are multiple factors affecting the farrier, the rider and the horse itself, not counting those caused by terrain features or other training that can seem insignificant but that pose high risk factors; such as the presence of flies. If the horse is constantly surrounded by flies, use your legs to try to scare them and this constant knocking loose ends in their shoes and raise remaches.En there really is a long list of causes of loss of horseshoes:
+ The placement of a horseshoe inadequate by the blacksmith (small or large). + May
grow surpassing the old horseshoe.
+ Using too small nails. The horse
+ spend excessive time held.
+ Sites with mud or bad.
+ Excess weight in the animal. Overworked
+. Making
+ of unsuitable work for the horse. Using
+ chairs or inappropriate gear.
+ The horse has a nervous disposition or habit of scratching and beat against the floor or wall.
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