The mouth is without doubt one of the most important in the horse. It is appropriate that we watched, because the occurrence of any problems it can cause other more serious.
Anatomy of the Mouth: The first thing that we realize when examining the mouth of a horse, is that animal is a vegetarian, actually, the row of incisors in the front are available specially prepared to start grass.
After these incisors are the canines, which are usually present only in males and not leave until the animal has an age between 4 and 5. These tusks have much space between them, do not touch and therefore will hardly change in appearance throughout the life of the animal. The space between teeth, where the steak rests, is known as the bars.
then the back of the mouth, there are six teeth on each side, top and bottom molars. Of which the horse is used to grind food, a job that causes them to wear while the part that protrudes from the gum will remain virtually unchanged as the wheel continues to grow. Sometimes the

addition to the teeth in the mouth we find the language, whose main mission is none other than act as "conveyor belt", to drag food to the teeth and then, once crushed, to the throat. The language also has salivary glands that release a liquid containing enzymes that help break down food so that it starts the digestive process.
But language is not only this work, the horse is also used as a way of bonding, as we see when the lame mare to her foal, urging him to stand.
mouth according to age:
Many caregivers are able to determine the age of a horse looking at his teeth, which may be reliable to 8 years, but after changes in the teeth are much more gradual and appearance will not tell us much . The study of the mouth of a horse from birth would give us something like
Birth: teeth, to distinguish because they were covered by a thin membrane. First come the two central incisors (pliers) and 2 or 3 molars.
During the first six months : will the rest of the central incisors.
First year: four incisors plants will be complete and the ends start to lean, time to start airing the first molars.
The horse turns two : have all the teeth.
Two and half years: baby teeth start to fall, leaving the first permanent incisors.
Three years the colt has two large claws yellowish permanent, in both jaws.
Three and a half years: the last baby teeth are replaced by the final. In some begin to leave the fangs.
Four years the horse will have four permanent incisors in each jaw, yellowish in contrast to the extreme.
Five years and will have his twelve permanent incisors. This tooth differs from that of a 2 year old colt dark cavity of the upper surface of the incisors.
Six years: the dark recesses of the central incisors have become smaller than those of others.
Seven years ends incisors only have cavities on their tables. They have developed a small projection in the rear, which is called "angle of 7 years."
Eight years cavities are similar in all the teeth and the angle of the seven years has disappeared.
From these years, the age of the horse by its teeth is much more difficult and the task only of experts.
Mouth care: As we always say, the best treatment is always prevention. Through the mouth we get to know these diseases in animals, we had gone unnoticed:
Healthy gums are pink, but will turn pale if the horse is anemic or has suffered a major shock. Gums are pale or sickly
: can be a symptom of internal bleeding.
yellowish gums: the knight hepatitis may occur.
irregular wear of the incisors: a sign of swallowing air. This is a defect in which the horse bites the door or crib while swallowing air, can be very harmful to the animal.
Ducts: The special anatomy of the horse's mouth allows us to place an opening, a control system that, well used, does not harm the animal, while allowing perfect control by the owner.
A tight mouth, teeth can not hit or grab the horse is strong enough to avoid the rider's hand.
why it is so important to select a correct embouchure for our animal, de ella dependerá tanto la comodidad del caballo como nuestra propia seguridad.
Deberá ser del tamaño adecuado para la boca del caballo; algo que en principio resulta obvio; pero no muchos tienen en cuenta que cada caballo tiene sus propias características y que por tanto, la embocadura que le viene bien a uno puede resultar nefasta en su compañero.
Las diferentes modalidades de embocaduras que existen en el mercado pueden dividirse en tres familias:
FILETES : Existe una gran variedad, desde suaves hasta muy rigurosos. Su severidad viene determinada por los siguientes factores:
Grosor: los gruesos son menos rigurosos.
Forma: los

Form of rings: round or oval, the latter are attached to the piece that goes inside the mouth and allow less game.
Sticks: You can take it or not, that lead is softer.
Material: the most common are stainless steel and rubber (softer)

SNACKS: Used in combination with steaks. They usually have a step to the language, to make them more comfortable for the horse. Should be used with chain that must be covered (rubber or leather, if the horse is very sensitive) and a false beard. There are different types: Snack
Tom Thumb Weymouth: the softest, as piece in the mouth is thick. Snack
German Dressage. Snack
mobile beds: the most common.
PELHAMS: are used as an alternative to steak and to snack because it combines the action that

At the time that hands over the reins, apply pressure to the bite, this pressure is transmitted to horses in different ways, depending on the type of mouthpiece used: Steak
rigid: only act on the bars mouth.
articulated mouth, take effect the Nutcracker on the tongue and compress the corner of his mouth. The bite hard
prying, transmitting pressure from the arms of the bite to the neck.
The chain puts pressure on the chin groove.
The double flange steak combines action articulated and rigid bite by applying pressure on the neck and chin groove and on the bars and tongue.
Placing an opening:

When putting the bridle on his horse, consider the following points:
A steak should be hung properly placed in the horse's mouth so the angle of the pucker your lips slightly, the animal seeming smiles. To insert the steak
easily, insert your thumb into the corner of the mouth of the horse, thus forcing him to open his mouth.
The bite should always be set with chain and strap.
The best way to verify that the steak is right is to insert indices between the mouth and the rings of the steak, in this position, the fingers should fit comfortably.
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