Friday, February 24, 2006

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The history of mankind is the history of the horse, the animal most beautiful creation and it certainly provided more and better services to men, as evidenced by any passage or any page of any year, any century. Rubén Darío
already said that "It is inconceivable to Alexander the Great without" Bucephalus "El Cid, without" Babieca "can be no standing Santiago, Don Quixote without Rocinante, and poet without" Pegasus ".
But the truth Rubén Darío is that came up short, because apart from the horses by the appointed there are still many famous names from here we to mention and who left their mark on the history of man.
Pegaso: The horse of the gods

Janto : The Achilles' horse Bucephalus
: The horse of Alexander the Great
Strategos: The Hannibal Horse
Incitatus: Caligula's horse
Sire: Julius Caesar's horse
Lazlo: The desert horse
Aguila : Chestnut
Babieca: El Cid
Incitatus: Caligula
Rocinante: Don Quijote de la Mancha


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