HORSE WHITE Intimate. Dreamed of horses, represent the astral, if white, goes well, if the horse is black, short of purification. If the horse is thin, lacking in self-observation, if the horse is fat, consciousness in the astral. HORSE: Friendship. Spiritual advancement. White: Fortuna and content. Black: Nuisance. Colorado: Wars. Gray: Life agitated. WHITE HORSES: We are guided by the Intimate. . On horseback: Improving position. Runaway: It is wrong in the spiritual path and the Inner can not dominate the body. The Horse represents the physical body and the rider to the Intimate. Fall from a horse: Fall spiritual path output. HORSE: Intimate Neglect. CAER: Failure. FALL OF TEETH: Illness, spiritual tragedy.
"The wind of a horse" is a disease that causes the horse emits strange noises in their breath, about when when working hard.
The best strings are natural materials and leather pieces for easy attachment and the worst are materials synthetics because they can burn your hands with a jerk of the horse.

The first famous horse in history was Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great who, according to legend, was tamed by him. Riding this horse Alexander the Great conquered countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the Persian Gulf, arriving from Greece to India . Always riding .
CHI S TE: Yesterday came a Pure English in a bar and requested a glass of cognac. The waiter was very surprised, put his glass, he charged 20 Aurelio and when the PRE was told, "This is the first time a horse comes to my bar", to which the horse replied, "No wonder . And with these prices will last. "
The horse is placed on three legs, and this allows you to relax, even sleep standing up. This instinct remains of ancient times, when the night was in danger of being caught by another animal and had to sleep and to run quickly. Currently you can see that there are horses sleep standing on his box.
famous phrase:
" never have to use violence for a horse to perfect your skills, but gently alternate demands and rewards, multiply the compliance and reduce the punishment "Colonel ALOIS PODHJASKY
" The horse should not be a slave who carried his master, but a dancer evolves and he slips "HANS-HEINRICH ISENBART
" need the position of silence. If your body is not in harmony with the horse, you can not hear what he is saying "Bartle JANE WILSON
" There are two things in horsemanship: technique and heart "
" The equestrian perfection begins with simple things "
" Make a companion horse and not a slave, you will see is an extraordinary friend "
" With horses, it pays to be nice? ... yes, always! "
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