Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Desmume Emulator Roms Soulsilver

OF DEATHS IN THE GERIATRIC THE ONLY responsibility lies with the insensitivity of the authorities HALL OF THE CITY OF CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY-PCIA DE ENTRE RIOS, ARGENTINA, WHICH EVER IS MORE ALARMING. days ago (June/2009) in the portal LT11.NET was published a note to. Senior Director Sra.Adriana Morabe. This person along with the other Local Authorities are responsible for the present chaos of geriatric Concepción del Uruguay. But is exclusive, as ordinary people, not echoes no commitment to this very serious today in Concepción del Uruguay. The Raven has talked with family and prefer to keep quiet and see no other option. "If we complain to the owners," then go (the grandparents) worse retaliation and the municipal authorities ... NO. I say ....
can see in note this woman's confession recognize the absurdity of such a bad thing and do nothing,
According to the note (see video) were given 48 and 24 hours elagunos cases to rectify the situation, as well as of today, 15 July when 30 days have passed (if ... a month) nothing has been done, ALL REMAINS THE SAME CAN ENSURE THE VULTURE FOR ANY CONVERSATION THAT I HAD TO OWNERS OF PRIVATE GERIATRIC According to one of the owners "were deleted fortunately, appeared no more" (by city inspectors.)
. But this officer is not new, since the September 25 is 2008 (almost a year ago ....), The official from his party blog ARI, said similar things. For more information read the letter or comments under the pseudonym and Clemente, the vulture public ... .. in the attached portal

is difficult, very difficult to fight from this place by the neglect suffered in the geriatric grandparents of Concepción del Uruguay, but it's the sad reality and at times fallen forces ... ... ... ... ... ..


15 JUNE 2009

Morabe: "The adult suffers a big drop"
director told "we get it the better, both in the building industry such as healthcare." As stated, "The adult suffers a big drop." Morabe said "The elderly are cared for by people looking for business." Finally, senior director said that we always have open doors to management and improved a little bit of initial inspection. "We do not earn anything close, but we give them every chance to the owners of nursing homes to make improvements."
Audio: adriana 16/06/1909 Morabe


(not verified) on Tue, 16/06/2009 - 17:40. Try
and could not, My anger was greater than everything. I wonder when I'll have to hear such statements and for this person (and those who have gone through these and other municipalities) This story is repeated as .... "Of the inspections themselves reflected that found with irregularities" ... "for the purposes of communicating to their owners about the need to be registered and that count enabling compulsory '"The survey carried out until the day of the date, have found abnormalities as determined by private works, especially with regard to amenities in the rooms, ventilation, electrical, kitchen, laundry, ratings for Fire lack of insurance, medical, nursing professionals and defective building conditions in general. "" While inspecting nursing homes are missing, it was determined that there are six geriatric enabled, ten in the process of regularization, and fifteen to be operating as illegal. "... .. All this is text .. his party's blog ARI. (Ie: they were against the offense / crime and look the other way
!!!!) It's been 9 months of that and nothing but said absolutely nothing has improved, but still has worsened This involves spasms, just a complaint or desire for notoriety to go on pontificating about grandparents, looking role, nothing more than that using helpless, and most often neglected and abused by the owners and employees of nursing homes. No 70% compliance with current regulations.
I ask Ms. Morables and how professional you want to do responsible:
Because it allows for 25 (yes twenty five) Geriatric illegal (see note) ¿???????
You yourself stated in the note LT11 has no geriatric nurse practitioners (Art.6 Inc.d) and some or medical history and flippantly declared that they were provided with 48 Hs for settlement, I wonder (who can believe this malicious lie) made since September 2008? ... ... ... ... this cynical attitude might fit well within the framework of "prevarication" or not? Ms. Morabe. Do not forget that you are referring to things very, very vulnerable and officers like you, they feel even more vulnerable. For a long time that this verse refers to, look at your past and see how many times did the same ... ... and is more serious .. But unworthy, nobody does anything, it is a secondary issue for everyone.
Another question: it was authorized to operate a nursing home on the second floor of the road June 8, which is accessed by stairs dark (no lift-emergency? ????)..( Fire Authority already ... was given a period of ... .... Do not fuck me over Mrs.)
Because it allows inexperienced personnel to provide grandparents Psychotropics. (obviously, if they have nurses ....)???
Because they allow the absurdity that a doctor (also unscrupulous) fill in minutes months of medical records from the grandparents, "to get by ".???
Because living in a nursing home grandmothers and male students?
Because the "History of lift" the Hospice of the street Galarza hard drive or above 5 years?? Because
Art.6 is not fulfilled in any of your s subsections, for any nursing home?? Because
Inc.a. Art.7 is not fulfilled by the geratricos, the income of grandparents .. Ms.
. Morabe, Municipal Authorities, Doctors, Nurses, owner / as of Geriatrics, please ask, think out of that routine that numbed, grandparents some use for a business, others to experience some medicine, some to justify their political position, others left for last in the care of an emergency, thinking, reason please, they just urge patience, understanding, respect, love, affection. not play defense and have given up everything in life that make you?? Please let
rebels for a minute and fight for those who fought and life. And finally, ask the nurses of the clinics and / or hospitals, when they attend a grandparent with blows from a geriatric them to report, feel these grandparents as their own, do it, please
"" "A Grandpa is the tenderness and the kiss. Trembling hand, but firm. Tired eyes, but true. It is patience and sincere love. A Grandfather not expect to receive, seeks to provide what is still kept fresh, so taught that life coming to old "" "" For children: is full of Kindergarten overcontrollers For old: It's full of Geriatric phony and illegal. It involves allowing bad esto.Se can sleep peacefully or?? All this is serious, do not let go, LET SOMEONE IN THE HISTORY OF WHAT WE DID NOT COST SO DIJIMOS.AUNQUE, whatever.


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