Wednesday, March 8, 2006

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If we are to tame our horse, you must first understand their behavior shows why stubborn?, What motivates you?, What are your needs? ... Only one horse
satisfied you are comfortable with their own, will respond properly to give it orders.

social behavior of horse
The horse is an animal with a tendency to live in packs, in a social group. Like any group, a herd of horses is structured through rules and one of the most important is the hierarchy: Each horse has a position within the group, will be important to know in order to define the characteristics of dressage will need to perform:
mares inherit their rank, they have to fight for it, so you can display them hostile, since two mares have always the same rank.
The male should strive to attain a privileged position in the flock: this gives a much more hard and aggressive, which means some features that we consider in dressage:
Its management to work harder.
rebel with ease.
not accept injustice.
The chief stallion and mare chief live on the same level, without doubt both ranges.
's horse maximum range (leader) can take any other horse in the place where they are, without any reason.
The horse that has a lower rank, can not pass another with greater range. Behind and will do so without complaining. This means that in situations of danger, the herd does not spread, horse senior brand management and the rest will follow. Foals will also
mothers without ever separate them.
The senior horse can push others, the aim of the pack not separate and also to reject sires starting to prevail. This is the reason that the horse is due to rider and that lie outside its visual space for the horse is as if the rider was the stallion that you're pushing.
This hierarchy exists in any horse race and is accepted by all members.
His vision: the horse has a field of view very broad, between 340 º and 360 º, with the following characteristics:
has a blind field, which prevents him from seeing straight ahead of you, about something more than a meter.
Side vision with one eye can not perceive the terrain, so we can rotate the head.
Although misperceives details, is very sensitive to movement.
can see at night.
His ear : the sense of hearing in the horse is highly developed,
can hear sounds imperceptible to humans.
His ears are oriented towards the place where the noise occurred.
His nose: is also a highly developed sense. They can be recognized by this effect, being used by the horse to find his mother.
Their languages: the horse uses different parts of your body along with the sounds to communicate, to know what you want to say to each of these languages:
Ears show the animal's mood:
languid and Falls: means that the horse is not comfortable or is sick.
is also a sign of submission. Erect and moving
: alertness.
straightened and rotated forward: there is something that attracts attention.
Vertical: mean distrust.
One ear forward and one backward: Doubt (may not have understood something of what we are trying to convey during break).
Cola: symbol of energy, their movements also report on the state of horse
up: a sign of joy.
Between the legs, suggests distrust.
Sounds: although the horse does not emit many sounds, we know what each one of them:
snort: when the horse breathes out through his nose, is a symbol of contentment.
Moo: indicates fear or distrust of anything unfamiliar.
Grunt: pain signal.
Screech: It's usually short and sharp, and often the females who issued it, to show his temper (usually when they are in front of another horse). Nickers
: there are plenty of them, but the most common are produced by nervous or when a horse is separated from the rest of the herd, to call their peers.

  • The steps to bridle a horse are:
    L Put the ado left and position the lead horse on the neck of it, to fall to the ground. Hold the flange
    the headpiece and between the horse's ears, offering extended left hand, the bit on the lips.
    If you do not open your mouth, you must press your thumb on the bars of the mouth, where it should be placed where there is no bite and teeth. Raise the flange and insert the morsel in the mouth, then carefully, and bending the ears forward, put the headpiece on the head. Tense
    lace straps and buckles.
    To know that is properly installed, you must ensure that between the head and can ahogadero put your hand, while between the noseband and the jaw, you can stick two fingers.

as saddling a horse:

  • For correct saddled the horse, follow these steps:
    Place the blanket tall at the withers and slide it back to straighten hair below.
    Take the chair and make sure the handle is properly seated.
    Put the strap through the seat and place it gently on the horse's back, for it should hold the pommel Pesillo front or left hand and right rear. Pull
    sweatshirt from the knob to allow air to circulate between it and the horse.
    Go to the right side and from there make sure there are no folds in the blanket. Hold
    buckle strap on the right.
    back to the left, pull the strap from under the horse and fasten the buckle on this side.


ahead: The horse must not overtake the person, if you try it will give you a slap on the head. Failure to take action, we will stop and our elbow in the nose. If that does not work, take the horse of a chain that will pull in case of time desobediencia.Una the horse has understood that their position is, we can start doing other exercises, as taught to stop every time we do it. To do this in the first few times the horse will be notified of our stop by a "ho" or "High", later the horse must stop to see that the rider does. This will serve to make the horse more comfortable to wear but what is more important: maintaining the animal's attention focused on the jinete.Después we attempt the same exercise at a trot. We can also teach the horse to go detrás.Guiar the horse from behind: for which we need a rope or reins of such a size let us walk by the back of the horse. In this way we will guide the animal as would the stallion of the herd, pushing. Take the horse in this way, has a fundamental advantage: if the animal perceives danger, instinctively try to run forward, if we can cause some damage there, going behind we avoid this situation.


The horse is smarter, more alert and more win will have to play. This also tells us that this is a good horse to work and will surely learn easily, but should exercise their intelligence by playing with him. The game brings many advantages, both for the trainer to the horse
* We provide insight into the characteristics of our animal, we can see during the game moves the horse does not develop at work everyday.
* Assumes a motivation for the horse. Of course, we make clear at the outset what is a game and what work is (for it can, for example, let the horse loose during the game and tie when you need to work.)
* The development of such activities increase the ability of animal care and pay attention in a completely voluntary.
* The game can also be used to train the horse's confidence, for it will place different elements that it can be considered dangerous (such as a ball), of which in principle stay away but soon we will see how fun.

* The freedom to flee from a situation suggests that risk and return on their own initiative is the best way for you to lose your fear. This adds further that if during all these situations the horse is accompanied by her trainer, you could lose the fear of any situation if you notice your presence.

Consider these premises at the time playing with his horse
* Must be you who take the initiative at all times, since otherwise we could be in dangerous situations.
* should not be protected and play without that, however unintentionally, the horse can cause injury.

* We must therefore take a long whip or lash.
* Keep the horse get out of hand, can be extremely dangerous. If you do, you should avoid lean back, as this all I get is that the horse realizes that this move can get overpower, which you can use it later.


If there is anything due to a tamer, is it a good rider. This is something that not only learn with practice, a good rider as well as knowing it, it is able to adapt this mounted to each horse, as it is able to perceive the state of animal.Básicamente can say that the posture is based on the following points:
Keep your body straight and erect, so never be confused with tense or rigid.
The head should be high.
Legs straight, long, taking special care to stay in constant contact with the horse, preferably throughout its length.
The heels should be lower than the toe.
stoppage in natural position, from the shoulders.
Elbows bent.
fists and relax.
Once we are able to take this position, the next step is to have the temperament to stay focused. When making turns or circles, the horse can destabilize us, something for which we must be fully prepared.


If there is something which is essential in training a horse, especially when it is young, is the need to establish a relationship of trust between rider and animal. A job that requires large doses of paciencia.Algunos good advice for achieving this are: --- Let the horse
free in a fenced area. This place should have approximate dimensions of 10 x 6 meters.
--- enter it next to the animal.
--- We speak in a soothing voice, but safe, in low tones. ---
We will approach it, but wait to be the horse who approach us. Once it does give you freedom, leaving us with quiet study, we smell, we analyze ... Once you have taken little more confidence when we will proceed to begin to caress, always in a leisurely, without making any sudden movements that may be scary.
--- A good idea is to give candy or sugar, to make him see that we are their friends. With
these steps, calmly, we will earn your trust, but of course we should not hurry at any time, since that could derail the work andado.Debemos note that if the horse is confident we will be much easier cleaning, attach the computer .... Remember that a horse, especially if young, should never be forced to do something, but convinced to do so.


The system of rewards and punishments is the most commonly used not only for the dressage, but also for many other animals. It is based on certain behaviors associated with unas sensaciones agradables y a otros sensaciones desagradables, que a la larga motivarán al animal a hacer o a dejar de hacer unas y otras.

Lo primero que debemos tener en cuenta es que un caballo puede aceptar un castigo si entiende su por qué; pero nunca lo aceptará sin que se le de una "explicación" (relacionarlo con un comportamiento indebido) y puede llegar a rebelarse.Además, para que un caballo relacione una acción como correcta o inadecuada el premio o el castigo deberán dársele de forma inmediata.

Golosinas: que no deberán ser dadas al caballo sin ton ni son, ya que acabaría por ser un vicio. Debemos reservarlas only to acknowledge good behavior and offer them only sporadically.
Breaks: are the optimal award after completing an exercise that has proved hard or dangerous for the horse.
offer security and peace of mind: for this we must be firm but calm, a trainer who screams or sudden movements can make distrust the horse. From there he importance we use a soothing voice, bearing in mind that this animal is highly sensitive to noise. Imitation of behavior
horses: perform movements that develop these animals when they are in a pack can be extremely rewarding for the horse. Some of these are:
* Pass an arm around the neck as they imitate the behavior of the mare when protecting their young and thus provide an important sense of security.
* Scratch behind the ear imitate mutual care offered horses.
* Take your breath on the neck or the nostrils, another mutual care between these animals . Cherish

sensitive points, every horse has some special points which likes to be petted, we look to use as a prize.

Screaming or loud voice we should not abuse them as could get used to the horse, so that only obey to them.
Body language: be upright, gesturing with his arms. Pulled
nose: should be brief but firm.
touches with the whip or lash: these elements should be used as an aid, not to punish the horse because if they take them and afraid to flee can not be used to direct. To punish them give only a brief touch, firm but never beaten. Imitating
punishments carried out by own horses:
* Simulate a kick with a kick.
* Copy a bite, with a blow with his elbow. Finally, it should taking into account that you can not tame a horse if it is not an authoritarian way, as it is in their nature. A time penalty given to prevent loss of control over the horse, but never this punishment must be severe or damage the animal. We must avoid an emotional punishment every punishment should be different, because otherwise the horse will react to wait and allow time to make it effective.

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The coat color of horses and ponies are named according to the color of its body and its ends. The cords are the muzzle, the tip of the ears, mane, the tail and limbs.
Black. Both your body and its ends are black.
Castaño. horse is a brown coat and black capes. It can be dark brown or light brown.
Chestnut. Layer Color orange or red, usually with their manes and tails of similar color. The chestnut hair of the mane is clear Vaca. The color varies from light to chestnut brown.
Tordo. In the mixed black and white hair all over his body. Thrush has a much darker black hair. Has shot a thrush light circular areas on a darker background. In a clear thrush predominantly white hair.
Bayo. Varia from mouse color (Blue) to gold (yellow). Usually has black ends.
Ruano. There white hair all over his body mixed with other colors sorrel and chestnut.
Pio. have any color blotches all over his body. It can be Pio Pio Sorrel or Chestnut.
Isabela or Pearl. The body has the color of gold. The mane and tail must be white.

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  • Features:

exceptional aesthetics.
Good workmanship.
Centuries of selection. Resistant
Sober, rustic and healthy.
Versatile and very agile. Magnificent
Docile and friendly service.

Arabic is the flat nose and lips short, what is a head shorter.
Ears look, big round eyes, broad forehead and protruding jaw with well-developed masseter and mouth beef.
horse is usually a strong, short and with good cross, a broad chest, a broad back, long, sloping and well muscled hindquarters and strong.
Its most characteristic feature is its long graceful neck and well placed.
The croup is nearly flat, with a high tail birth.
The tail comes from Arabic higher than that of English and rises in an arc "jug-handle" the ancients, can at certain times to sweep the rump
His head, triangular with slightly concave profile, is wide between eyes and between the jaws.
The muzzle is small and the nostrils are large, especially in action.
The ears are moderately short, longer in females, but really well placed and attentive. Eyes
huge, clean and clear, with personality.


  • The head
    The fronto-nasal profile should be subconvex.
    must bring the tips of the ears tilted forward.
    The nostrils thin.
    eyes large, black, not white discovered, torn into triangular, long eyelashes and bushy.
  • The neck should be wide
    at birth and lean against the head.
    The manes, long silky abundant.
  • Cruz, back and arm
    The cross, high rather than low.
    Shoulders oblique and long, his muscles well drawn and free from grease, sharp encounters. The English
    arm is directed backward.
  • Chest, chest and belly
    The breasts should be broad, rounded, open and parties involved.
    The ribs should be wide. The belly should go
    increased since the last rib and confused by the flanks.
  • Back and spine
  • The back short and full.
    kidneys robust, broad, short, flexible and follow the direction of the back. The kidneys are short and wide the horse strong and light, and facilitate reunification with ity.
  • The rump and tail
    The English horse's rump is well rounded in profile and from behind, not bony.
    The tail should have a good birth and good seat tail, and thick maslo right, and heavily stocked with bristles.

  • movements
    The English horse must move by raising the knee and, like any good riding horse, gaining ground, pushing with his hindquarters.

HORSE angloarabians

born Anglo-Arabian Horses in France in the mid-nineteenth century with the aim of finding a horse halfway between the qualities of the PSI and Pra. Pra is trying to get the strength and beauty and PSI speed and capacity for the sport.
Its main features are:
be light, harmonious and distinguished.
have a height between 1.59 m and 1.70 m.
great temperament, agility and skill

The Anglo-Arab horse is an animal of good height, her head rectilinear profile neo is expressive and distinctive, high forehead, the nostrils open, bright eyes and moving ears . The neck is long and well developed, slightly curved, the cross is highlighted and properly extended back and the back is compact and short. His chest is deep, long and slightly sloping croup, members strong, well-tempered, back bent and forearm length (horse near ground).
Their coats are the most common sorrel, chestnut and dappled. The winds are light and long
specific qualities: temperament to reach all your fitness level more altoReactividad, skill and resistencia.Aires agilidad.Fondo and flexible and adaptive amplios.Facilidad.
Utilities: All Sports ecuestres.Carreras.Mejorador races.


ORIGIN: breed originating from the United States. We can say that dating back to the arrival of the first English settlers to the Americas, these settlers came loaded dediferentes horse races, the chair, work, small size ... During the conquest of many of these animals were scattered over the fields, causing the horses salvajes.Cuando Reds began to address the breeding of these horses (back in 1680), when the race will evolve into today appreciated Quarter.
At that time the species had been crossed with English Thoroughbreds to adapt to high-speed sprints.

Wither height: 152 to 160 centimeters. Head
small and flat front. Layers
main bay and chestnut neck
robust and muscular. Eyes
apart. Chest
broad symbol of strength. Grupa
solid and rounded. Tips
thin but very sturdy.
is an extremely docile and intelligent race.
has demonstrated its enormous potential long work, because it adapts easily to almost any kind of effort, so it is considered an excellent riding horse.
is also used with success in competitions and recreational trips. In fact it has proved unbeatable in the quarter-mile races, which is where the name comes Quarter = room.
is a courageous animal, which works well with the flocks and gallops nicely. It's clearly the perfect horse for the cowboy. PINTO

ORIGIN: horse originating in the United States.
born as "horse Indians" being the "redskins" who began their breeding. These wild horses were seeking to cross them with horses and Hispaniola. The race crossed with Quarter Horse Paint Horse gave rise to very similar to Pinto, but with characteristics of the Pinto has been Quarter.El a controlled breeding since 1930 year began to seek a homogeneous mixture through the English Thoroughbred and the Arab. We can say that this is a race that is still consolidating.

Wither height: variable. Layer
Home: many colors, always stained.
Head small and flattened.
Long neck. Shoulders
robust. Tips
short but very strong.

used by American cowboys and that is extremely resistant to work.
Very tough and hard when he meets the
herds or flocks.
not often used in competitions (only
rodeos). PALOMINO

ORIGIN: Race originating in the United States, so much so that while perfectly is currently spread around the world, the fact is that the best example is the coming from North America.
Race in the process of consolidation.
it highlights their fur, which owes its name (called palomino).
height at withers 142 to 154 centimeters.
Colour: golden brown and sometimes brown or yellow.
and large dark eyes.
Head small and shapely. Horse
noble and clean lines, with little cross checked.
confident and gentle in character, often be very generous. It is normal that the pigeon was fond of his master and very few races as he displayed such devotion to its owner.
horse is a fast, flexible and agile.
has proved extremely resilient.
Therefore, it is an excellent animal for the ride and generous work, although we must say that does not match the competitions (you have no competitive spirit.) Waler

ORIGIN: the first horses arrived in Australia did the hand of the settlers, around 1798. Thus, the Waler born as a mix between those first horses present in Australian land and the English Thoroughbred and Arab, who would come to this land in the mid-nineteenth century.
Wither height: about 60 cm. Layers
main bay, sorrel, pigeon and black.
Its appearance varies greatly, but usually keep it looking straight and noble.
bodied wing rgado, which sometimes may appear heavy and compact.
traits that define your character are the courage, wisdom and endurance.
is perfectly suited as a riding horse, presenting a safe ride and extremely cautious.
has a good physical substance, is good for the cross.
been shown to be an excellent jumper.
Learn well in training, so it can be used for dressage.
Their docility makes is also used to play polo.
has been used for the war (World War I came to one hundred and twenty thousand horses exported to the armies of India, Europe and Africa). MUSTANG

ORIGIN: Race United States, although derived from horses of English origin, brought by conquistadors in the New World and that from the sixteenth century formed herds of wild horses, living in total freedom.
Although for nearly three centuries were the most numerous race of the United States, suffered an unfortunate slaughter that had his number was reduced to a few thousand.
are ongoing through the work of the association which is responsible for its survival.
in Nevada has also created a natural park where you live in the wild.
main layers: buff, spotted and sorrel.
height of the cross: between 130 and 148 centimeters. Head
inelegant, often heavy. Neck
sunk. Back
strong. Grupa
bony legs, but strong. Town
is able to eat almost anything without having to do this no problem.
is a very tough race.
Very difficult to train, in fact was originally captured for the ride, which was stopped because he admitted to training.
is courageous and very independent.
is very difficult to lead, as shown totally unpredictable. Today is
used in rodeos. BUCKSKIN

ORIGIN: Race orig Inaria United States, although it is unknown exactly their place of origin. Low commercial interest, except in the western regions of North America. Currently
grows mainly in California, which is considered their home region.
main tawny coat clear tendency to yellow to red.
Cola and black mane. Usually also has a black line on the back, from withers to tail.
height of the cross: from 145 to 155 centimeters.
Head straight, thin neck and medium length. Grupa
bent and strong. Cruz
slightly marked. Tips
short and bony, but have proved very resilient.
is a very tough race, which fits perfectly to work cowboy.
It is extremely tough and tenacious.

ORIGIN: The Shetland gets its name from the land of his birth, the Shetland Islands, located
north of Scotland, where he was able to withstand temperatures of up to fifty degrees below zero, going even months without eating. According to some scenarios, it is
direct descendant of the ancient Celtic pony. During the nineteenth century due to its small size, was very used to work in mines, where many specimens were lost.
main layers: a
allowed all layers except pious.
Wither height: 1.07 m. (One of the ponies more
small few exist).
silky and abundant coat (many compare him to a bear). Head
intelligent expression while fresh.
expressive eyes and nostrils wide open.
well proportioned body: it is compact, with short limbs.
strong neck and back muscular.
Very robust and resilient, able to live all year abroad, eating just grass.
Their strength means that, despite its small size, has proved to be one of the best draft horses, can be handled by both adults and children.
mount is ideal for children, since it is very docile, attentive to any order.
Very playful.
Extremely affectionate, gives a great show of affection, which makes it the perfect pet.
We will pay particular attention to their diet, since it is a race very greedy and has tendency to gain weight.

Friday, March 3, 2006

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the horse's mouth: ENTRANCES

The mouth is without doubt one of the most important in the horse. It is appropriate that we watched, because the occurrence of any problems it can cause other more serious.

Anatomy of the Mouth: The first thing that we realize when examining the mouth of a horse, is that animal is a vegetarian, actually, the row of incisors in the front are available specially prepared to start grass.
After these incisors are the canines, which are usually present only in males and not leave until the animal has an age between 4 and 5. These tusks have much space between them, do not touch and therefore will hardly change in appearance throughout the life of the animal. The space between teeth, where the steak rests, is known as the bars.
then the back of the mouth, there are six teeth on each side, top and bottom molars. Of which the horse is used to grind food, a job that causes them to wear while the part that protrudes from the gum will remain virtually unchanged as the wheel continues to grow. Sometimes the uneven wear, which causes the appearance of sharp edges we will have to scrape to not cause damage.
addition to the teeth in the mouth we find the language, whose main mission is none other than act as "conveyor belt", to drag food to the teeth and then, once crushed, to the throat. The language also has salivary glands that release a liquid containing enzymes that help break down food so that it starts the digestive process.
But language is not only this work, the horse is also used as a way of bonding, as we see when the lame mare to her foal, urging him to stand.

mouth according to age:
Many caregivers are able to determine the age of a horse looking at his teeth, which may be reliable to 8 years, but after changes in the teeth are much more gradual and appearance will not tell us much . The study of the mouth of a horse from birth would give us something like
Birth: teeth, to distinguish because they were covered by a thin membrane. First come the two central incisors (pliers) and 2 or 3 molars.
During the first six months : will the rest of the central incisors.
First year: four incisors plants will be complete and the ends start to lean, time to start airing the first molars.
The horse turns two : have all the teeth.
Two and half years: baby teeth start to fall, leaving the first permanent incisors.
Three years the colt has two large claws yellowish permanent, in both jaws.
Three and a half years: the last baby teeth are replaced by the final. In some begin to leave the fangs.
Four years the horse will have four permanent incisors in each jaw, yellowish in contrast to the extreme.
Five years and will have his twelve permanent incisors. This tooth differs from that of a 2 year old colt dark cavity of the upper surface of the incisors.
Six years: the dark recesses of the central incisors have become smaller than those of others.
Seven years ends incisors only have cavities on their tables. They have developed a small projection in the rear, which is called "angle of 7 years."
Eight years cavities are similar in all the teeth and the angle of the seven years has disappeared.
From these years, the age of the horse by its teeth is much more difficult and the task only of experts.

Mouth care: As we always say, the best treatment is always prevention. Through the mouth we get to know these diseases in animals, we had gone unnoticed:
Healthy gums are pink, but will turn pale if the horse is anemic or has suffered a major shock. Gums are pale or sickly
: can be a symptom of internal bleeding.
yellowish gums: the knight hepatitis may occur.
irregular wear of the incisors: a sign of swallowing air. This is a defect in which the horse bites the door or crib while swallowing air, can be very harmful to the animal.

Ducts: The special anatomy of the horse's mouth allows us to place an opening, a control system that, well used, does not harm the animal, while allowing perfect control by the owner.
A tight mouth, teeth can not hit or grab the horse is strong enough to avoid the rider's hand.
why it is so important to select a correct embouchure for our animal, de ella dependerá tanto la comodidad del caballo como nuestra propia seguridad.
Deberá ser del tamaño adecuado para la boca del caballo; algo que en principio resulta obvio; pero no muchos tienen en cuenta que cada caballo tiene sus propias características y que por tanto, la embocadura que le viene bien a uno puede resultar nefasta en su compañero.

Las diferentes modalidades de embocaduras que existen en el mercado pueden dividirse en tres familias:
FILETES : Existe una gran variedad, desde suaves hasta muy rigurosos. Su severidad viene determinada por los siguientes factores:
Grosor: los gruesos son menos rigurosos.
Forma: los curves are smoother.
Form of rings: round or oval, the latter are attached to the piece that goes inside the mouth and allow less game.
Sticks: You can take it or not, that lead is softer.
Material: the most common are stainless steel and rubber (softer)

SNACKS: Used in combination with steaks. They usually have a step to the language, to make them more comfortable for the horse. Should be used with chain that must be covered (rubber or leather, if the horse is very sensitive) and a false beard. There are different types: Snack
Tom Thumb Weymouth: the softest, as piece in the mouth is thick. Snack
German Dressage. Snack
mobile beds: the most common.

PELHAMS: are used as an alternative to steak and to snack because it combines the action that n both. It is valid especially for horses who do not accept the steak but it is very inaccurate and should be used by experts.
At the time that hands over the reins, apply pressure to the bite, this pressure is transmitted to horses in different ways, depending on the type of mouthpiece used: Steak
rigid: only act on the bars mouth.
articulated mouth, take effect the Nutcracker on the tongue and compress the corner of his mouth. The bite hard
prying, transmitting pressure from the arms of the bite to the neck.
The chain puts pressure on the chin groove.
The double flange steak combines action articulated and rigid bite by applying pressure on the neck and chin groove and on the bars and tongue.

Placing an opening:
When putting the bridle on his horse, consider the following points:
A steak should be hung properly placed in the horse's mouth so the angle of the pucker your lips slightly, the animal seeming smiles. To insert the steak
easily, insert your thumb into the corner of the mouth of the horse, thus forcing him to open his mouth.
The bite should always be set with chain and strap.
The best way to verify that the steak is right is to insert indices between the mouth and the rings of the steak, in this position, the fingers should fit comfortably.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

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Rules for proper nutrition:
then collect a set of rules that we recommend you follow to get food your pet is adequate:
1 .- Always keep a balanced diet: that is, vary the foods of the horse, taking care to not only eat grass or feed.
2 .- Give large number of meals, but each of them in small amounts: the natural state of the horse makes him eat almost constantly, we should never let more than eight hours without eating. But without giving a lot at each meal.
3 .- Create a routine and follow it: horses are creatures of habit, any change in the timing of your meals can lead to an altered bowel.
4 .- not make sudden changes in diet could cause intestinal disorders in animals.
5 .- Be prepared consistently clean, fresh water, we must give water before meals. Water is essential for the horse and accounting for 60% of their body weight and also uses it for digestion.
6 .- not oblige the horse to perform heavy work or travel just after eating.
7 .- Keep clean all areas of food storage.
8 .- Try to always stay dry hay.
9 .- Monitor the quality of all foods.

Note that each horse must be treated as an individual when designing your diet. We have to analyze their characteristics: race, weight, age, exercise performed throughout the day ... to determine precisely what kind of food and quantity.
can be guided by these parameters to determine the amount of food required by his horse
a) a horse more than 1.50 meters, between 12 and 14 kg of food daily.
b) A horse of less than 1.50 m, between 11 and 12.5 kg.
c) To determine the optimal ratio between the amount of forage and feed may do so based on these data:
or basic maintenance Eating: 100-70% 0-30% forage and concentrate feed. To keep the animal in weight, optimal diet during the summer. Pet food
doing little work: 70-60% 30-40% forage and feed. Food
workhorse medium: 60-50% 40-50% forage and feed. Food
animals developed hard work or competition: 50-40% 50-60% forage and feed. Pet food
competing in high-strength tests or doing hard work: 30-40% and 60-70% forage feed.

Food Basics:
In general we can say that the horse feed is composed of two main elements: the forage and feed. The key to adequate food is to achieve the perfect balance in the amount to provide each of these foods, an amount that will depend on the animal's breed, size, age, work done, station ...

That is, the grass and hay to provide the necessary fiber and constitute the bulk of the volume of the diet. Its quality will depend of course on the quality of the grass we have, which should be monitored to continue throughout the year the same nutritional value for the animal.
As hay (grass clippings and dry storage), keep in mind that quality reaches its peak after flowering and before seed production. Ensure that your hay count on good, nutritious grasses, some of these are:
herb meadow.
The spikelets.
rat's tail.
moor grass.
Never give your horse hay or moldy old, might harm your respiratory system. It must also allow at least six months for a valid hay for feeding. A hay with less than this time can be indigestible and even cause colic the horse.
We recommend that if you have no quality grass, silage use (natural grass vacuum packed), since it has a high nutritional value. It can be mixed with hay to increase its volume but also be aware that silage can completely replace the hay, yes, should be introduced into the animal's diet gradually.

he thinks the horse Da
the energy it needs. We can talk about the existence of two types of feed: concentrate and compound.
The concentrated feed should never be supplied as food only, but mixed with fodder, so the horse to digest slowly. Among the different classes of this I can note:
Barley: provides energy and volume to food.
Oats: ideal for the horse because the easily digested. It is desirable to avoid crushing the drink quickly. Corn
: sumunistrárselo we cooked and flaked, it is a perfect complement to add bulk to food.
bran: it has no nutritional value, but can be added to give volume.

As for compound feed or mixing food is a much more complete, we have the following range: complete feeding
: containing concentrated feed and fodder, so that This is a very complete food, although we recommend mixing it with something natural forage to make it more digestible. Compound feed concentrate
: contains lots of minerals, proteins and vitamins that can be provided only with hay. Granules
: they have a variety of ground ingredients, steam treated and pressed.
various mixtures.

food supplements:
feeding our animal shall be added to supplements that depend on the status of each horse in particular:
the basic need be provided to all horses, they are:
Vitamins A, D and K: the horse stored in fat.
Vitamins C and B: that we will dissolve in water replenished daily, mainly in horses to be performed by hard work and winter.

There are also other added vitamins, the supply of which depend directly on the needs of individual animal.
cod liver oil, which provides vitamin D and is recommended for animals that have no vegetation outdoors and especially in the winter. Flaxseed
: to promote the digestion of animal, while it will give shine to hair. Barley boiled
: particularly suitable in winter. Boiled Linseed
: should be in small quantities and mixed with other food. Is a perfect protein intake.
Candy: candy apples ... are perfect elements as a reward for the animal.

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The hull and hardware:
Nullus pedis, nullus equus . Here is a saying that has lost its old value.
The hardware is shown, now more than ever, indispensable in the life of the horse. As the horse was losing its interest as a driver, and went on to become an athlete, their dependence Farrier is greater the higher the level at which it moves.
A good farrier is worth his weight in gold. A bad hardware can ruin a horse for life and unfortunately the wrong fittings abound, and often even fom Glazing.
The role of the farrier is essential for the management of our horses. An appropriate hardware, made in accordance with the most sound scientific principles, can make a big difference to the welfare and performance of the horse.
The vast majority of consultations in relation to the vet with our horses (it is estimated that up to 80%) relate to the care of their patas.Y not surprisingly, the horse is an animal of a large volume and heavy weight, which spread over four slender legs ending in little feet. Although it is capable of running at high speeds carrying a rider or jobs that you are a serious effort físico.A Everybody knows the enormous importance of the limbs in perfect condition of his horse, but nevertheless , many still leave out basic care to be performed.

The hull
Many veterinarians and caregivers agree, saying "no horse without a helmet." We know well the basic structure of this area and know what the animal care center consists precisa.El mainly of three parts: 1 .-
The Wall: the outer zone. Its growth is down from the crown.
2 .- The outsole slightly concave side fulfills its mission to protect the hull of injury. We must be very careful with it because it is very thin.
3 .- The Tadpole: non-slip shock absorbing mechanism that enables the hull to extend and contract with every step. It is essential to keep clean at all times to avoid problems in the hull.
Many will wonder why the horses that live in the wild do not need all this care and live many years without serious problems on their helmets. The reason is clear: the human animal asked to carry out a series of tasks that the wild horse has to carry not Tsar carrying a rider, jump, gallop on asphalt, stay long hours stabled ... All these activities are not natural and unnatural causes tension in the feet and legs animal.La Hull cornea continues to grow throughout the life of the horse (it is estimated that approximately one centimeter per month on average), but also will wearing, especially if the animal is working on a hard surface. Hence the need for hardware, which will serve to prevent excessive wear of the helmet.
care general passes hull cleaning, a task that should be given utmost importance. In most cases, the lack of cleanliness, along with inadequate fat utilization and excessively wet beds are the main cause of the serious problems we all know on the hulls of our animals.
It is therefore essential that the work of cleaning is done every day, choosing to do so as best time just prior to use cleaning montar.Para called LIMPIACASCOS (more adelane has a photo), as follows:
try to remove dirt working from the heel to the fire; being careful not to penetrate into the soft parts of the frog.
take care especially cleanliness of the side grooves of the frog, as it is the preferred place for bacteria, stones and anything sharp. When
clean central slot, we will put our utmost attention in the search for signs of rot.
will verify the absence of cuts or cracks, and the degree of dryness of the hull.
If we detect a bad smell, there's a good chance of finding an infection. If so, we will completely clean the hull and apply hydrogen peroxide in the affected areas. This operation repeat it at least once a day (and of course, discuss this with your veterinarian or farrier).
To finish cleaning, check that the shoe stays perfectly in place and spend the fingers by rivets to ensure that they remain in place.
Keep in mind that if we make daily cleaning, we can not perceive the appearance of a problem until the moment the horse starts to limp, which sometimes may be too late.
Besides cleaning the hulls, we take special care in cleaning the barn. It is essential that a feedlot animal has a clean, dry bed, there is nothing more destructive to the hulls that ammonia equine waste and decomposing bedding.
Besides, it appears as the main risk factor changes in moisture content (wet / dry) normally produce after training with our horse. We must ensure that these changes are kept to a minimum and use some type of topical application to seal the right amount of moisture, while allowing the necessary step of oxygen.

When the horse shod? Horseshoe is as the "sole" which protects the horse's hoof, prevents excessive wear and care of the damage. Something essential especially when the man used the horse for competition or for cutting trabajo.Tanto helmets as the hardware should be made by the blacksmith with a periodicity that depends directly on the level and type of work done by the animal, together with its rapid crecimiento.Debemos have that if we spend too much time without cutting, hull balance is altered in a dangerous manner, and may even cause permanent damage to the leg of originThe hoof growth, wear of the shoe and its fit the hull are the main factors in determining when a horse must be re herrado.Para know if a hardware is good, we must consider the following points:
* Nails are the right size.
* The heels are perfectly protected by the hardware.
* Rivets are about one third of the height.

loss horseshoes: We must be aware of the loss of a erradura h is not something that happens in an instant, but is motivated by a number of issues that must be considered and controlar.Estos are multiple factors affecting the farrier, the rider and the horse itself, not counting those caused by terrain features or other training that can seem insignificant but that pose high risk factors; such as the presence of flies. If the horse is constantly surrounded by flies, use your legs to try to scare them and this constant knocking loose ends in their shoes and raise remaches.En there really is a long list of causes of loss of horseshoes:

+ The placement of a horseshoe inadequate by the blacksmith (small or large). + May
grow surpassing the old horseshoe.
+ Using too small nails. The horse
+ spend excessive time held.
+ Sites with mud or bad.
+ Excess weight in the animal. Overworked
+. Making
+ of unsuitable work for the horse. Using
+ chairs or inappropriate gear.
+ The horse has a nervous disposition or habit of scratching and beat against the floor or wall.

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horses living in a box should be cleaned daily. To remove loose hair, dirt and maintain basic hygiene. Do not we take it as an obligation and a nuisance. It is something that is part of learning to deal with horses. During that half hour or quarter of an hour we are forging a friendship with the horse, we come before him. The horse is very sensitive to the feelings. By cleaning the horse is familiar with us, learn to respect us and invite you to trust us.
-Before installing : I put the head of the block and took it to where we are going to clean it. First clean the hulls with a clean simple helmets without forgetting the area of \u200b\u200bthe frog. Hull cleaning is important because it is an area where objects can dig producing serious injury, they also often accumulate in manure, which makes them also a source of infection if they are not perfectly clean. After cleaning the hooves, brush the horse first use curry in a circle moving aggressively to take away dirt and then Please pass the hair brush. This step is important as cleaning the hair dried sweat and dirt, avoid many problems in the horse's skin. Also used a comb to detangle the mane and tail of the horse.
-After mounting: is important to give a shower at the bottom of the legs always from the hull up (in winter) and summer shower over. It is important, but it's cold, wash your hands and feet after he mounted the horse, helps cool and relax the tendons after exercise, and can prevent possible injury. If we showered the horse completely is advisable to wear a sweat to clean drain. Images of the vessels for cleaning

BRUSH ESTATE: Whose bristles can be natural or plastic. Useful for removing stains themselves on the block (dried mud, manure ...)..

Bruz: Element more comfortable than the brush as it fits your hand and is lighter, the bristles are also shorter and smoother, thereby avoiding harm to the animal if you accidentally hit him with it. It is used to remove dirt in general (oil, dandruff ...) not only hair but the skin in general. Highly recommended for the tail and horsehair.

curry: Valid for cleaning the rump, should be used gently. CLEAN

HELMETS: The Limpiacascos is fundamental for the proper grooming of the horse.

to remove excess water (rain, shower ...) or sweat.

to fix glue, toupee, hair and hair protruding ears.

which may be manually or mechanically, either of which will be of great help in cutting the horse hair


is a form of cleansing only recommended if the horse is dirty fat as excess soap dries the skin of the animal, reaching itchy and even leaving dull (if not more convenient washing with water only). For the horse shower with soap and water is recommended to follow these guidelines:
Use special soaps.
Apply soap only once (no to clarify and re-soap).
Use hot water.
In winter animal should wash the parts, using a blanket to cover the site of the body that are not cleaned. If we are at a low temperature should be fast in the bathroom and, once finished, dried and immediately cover the horse so it does not get cold.
There special sponge, we recommend using one for soaping and another for rinsing.
use a circular motion to lather on the animal's body.
not lather the horse's head.


proper method for cleaning the horse in the days of cold, where possible avoid colds.
To clean the horse in this way will need a bucket with hot water, a towel as large as possible and a special shampoo (just in case there is dirty or that it is from fat); also recommend that you use gloves gum (to hold hot water.)

The way is as follows:
We add a little shampoo to the hot water we have in the cubo.Introducimos the towel in the water to soak.
slip and deploy the towel to slide onto the horse's hair, for only a few seconds (so to soak).
wrap the towel and rubbed her hair. We
Gently towel in the direction of the hair.
repeat the whole operation for each part of the horse, making sure the water is always hot.


is a part of the horse should always remain clean. Although we do not have time to wash the horse completely, at least once a day we will spend a few minutes to clean their hulls. We will use just a limpiacascos.
is an area where you may catch various objects, causing considerable injury risk, plus they usually accumulates in manure, which makes them also a source of infection if not perfectly clean.
This is compounded by the fact that horses with soft helmets often have the problem that will wear out very easily and quickly, especially on the side of the heels so the daily check is essential. In this review we also discuss the state of the shoes, their settlement, the nails ... The daily cleaning of the hulls can avoid numerous setbacks. Limpiacascos appointed
addition, we recommend using two other products, which are: Tar
helmet, that will help to eliminate bacteria, germs and odors. Ointment
helmets: enhances and supports their natural development, preventing cracking and encouraging elasticity).
We also recommend that you carry a limpiacascos during walks with his horse, so that if he starts to limp, you can analyze whether there is any problem (you have a object stuck), and if so fix it right then


type cleaning should be done once the horse has completed its work and in that moment your body is hot, which helps to release dirt more easily.
First we remove all traces of mud and sweat with the plane of roots that pass over the horse's skin gently so as not to disturb him. Must be paid special attention to sensitive areas, head, belly and inside of the limbs.
After Bruza and we will take the pass aggressively for each part of the horse. It should make about six passes in every place, without hitting the animal with Bruza but rather supporting it gently but firmly so that the bristles penetrate your hair and skin clean.
After each pass is advisable to clean the Bruz, for which the rubbing against the curry. Always clean
down and backwards.
then cleaned the hulls.
The face and upper third should be washed with sponges.
Finally, it should comb the tail and mane with a brush.

Friday, February 24, 2006

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The history of mankind is the history of the horse, the animal most beautiful creation and it certainly provided more and better services to men, as evidenced by any passage or any page of any year, any century. Rubén Darío
already said that "It is inconceivable to Alexander the Great without" Bucephalus "El Cid, without" Babieca "can be no standing Santiago, Don Quixote without Rocinante, and poet without" Pegasus ".
But the truth Rubén Darío is that came up short, because apart from the horses by the appointed there are still many famous names from here we to mention and who left their mark on the history of man.
Pegaso: The horse of the gods

Janto : The Achilles' horse Bucephalus
: The horse of Alexander the Great
Strategos: The Hannibal Horse
Incitatus: Caligula's horse
Sire: Julius Caesar's horse
Lazlo: The desert horse
Aguila : Chestnut
Babieca: El Cid
Incitatus: Caligula
Rocinante: Don Quijote de la Mancha

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Code of Conduct in Sport Equestrian
A. - In all equestrian sports the horse is the sovereign.
B. - The horse's welfare should prevail over the demands of breeders, trainers, jockeys, owners, traders, organizers, sponsors and juries.
C. - All veterinary care and treatment lavished on the horses should ensure their health and wellbeing.
D. - must at all times maintain a good level in food, health, hygiene, and safety of the horse.
E. - A healthy environment should be maintained for the transportation of horses. Needs to take appropriate steps to ensure that ventilation is adequate and adequate food and water and is supplied regularly. F. - should receive special interest in coaching in the training and practice of equestrian sports will improve, and promote research equine medicine scientific.
G. - In the interest of the horse, health and competence of the rider is considered essential.
H. - Each type of riding and every training method should consider the horse and to exclude any technique considered abusive by the International Equestrian Federation.
I. - National Federations should establish adequate controls to ensure that any person or body under their jurisdiction respect the welfare of the horse. J.
- national regulations and international equestrian sport, for the protection of the horse, should be respected, not only during the celebration competitions, but also during training. The regulations should be continually reviewed, to ensure respect for the horse

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HORSE WHITE Intimate. Dreamed of horses, represent the astral, if white, goes well, if the horse is black, short of purification. If the horse is thin, lacking in self-observation, if the horse is fat, consciousness in the astral. HORSE: Friendship. Spiritual advancement. White: Fortuna and content. Black: Nuisance. Colorado: Wars. Gray: Life agitated. WHITE HORSES: We are guided by the Intimate. . On horseback: Improving position. Runaway: It is wrong in the spiritual path and the Inner can not dominate the body. The Horse represents the physical body and the rider to the Intimate. Fall from a horse: Fall spiritual path output. HORSE: Intimate Neglect. CAER: Failure. FALL OF TEETH: Illness, spiritual tragedy.

"The wind of a horse" is a disease that causes the horse emits strange noises in their breath, about when when working hard.

The best strings are natural materials and leather pieces for easy attachment and the worst are materials synthetics because they can burn your hands with a jerk of the horse.


The first famous horse in history was Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great who, according to legend, was tamed by him. Riding this horse Alexander the Great conquered countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the Persian Gulf, arriving from Greece to India . Always riding .

CHI S TE: Yesterday came a Pure English in a bar and requested a glass of cognac. The waiter was very surprised, put his glass, he charged 20 Aurelio and when the PRE was told, "This is the first time a horse comes to my bar", to which the horse replied, "No wonder . And with these prices will last. "

The horse is placed on three legs, and this allows you to relax, even sleep standing up. This instinct remains of ancient times, when the night was in danger of being caught by another animal and had to sleep and to run quickly. Currently you can see that there are horses sleep standing on his box.

famous phrase:

" never have to use violence for a horse to perfect your skills, but gently alternate demands and rewards, multiply the compliance and reduce the punishment "Colonel ALOIS PODHJASKY
" The horse should not be a slave who carried his master, but a dancer evolves and he slips "HANS-HEINRICH ISENBART

" need the position of silence. If your body is not in harmony with the horse, you can not hear what he is saying "Bartle JANE WILSON

" There are two things in horsemanship: technique and heart "
The equestrian perfection begins with simple things "
Make a companion horse and not a slave, you will see is an extraordinary friend "
With horses, it pays to be nice? ... yes, always! "

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The evaluation form will be that the student knows how to deal with horse that care needs, food that bears the basic diseases a second assessment would be that the student knows distinction between layers, races, tame, steps .....

• Acquire knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology of the horse.
• Know the most common illnesses and accidents and provides possible nción. • Master techniques hygiene aids, care and protection of the horse.
• Know the crafts and sports related to this world.
• Know the facility, harnesses or baggage and maintenance.