has been 'MarketSaw', a blog that specializes in films in three dimiensiones, Technology and video games that has blown the alarms all the millions of fans of Star Wars. Quoting reliable sources from Lucasfilm, the trade publication says that George Lucas has in mind a new Star Wars trilogy that would join the other two.
But this time the film would be shot in 3D and not be led by him, but Lucas would be dedicated solely to production to sit in the seat as an alderman to one of his best friends. 'MarketSaw' ventures to provide two names as potential directors: Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola.
And the key idea of \u200b\u200bthis pilgrimage is James Cameron and Avatar. Such is the hype that generated the 3D blockbuster director of 'Titanic' which seems to have a little envious desperatdo upon the current guru of science fiction. Of course, Lucas will not launch a three-dimensional adventure to see how Avatar works at the box office, that is if Cameron recovers 300 million dollars it has cost the film. OFFICER NEGATIVE
But for now the new Star Wars trilogy is just a rumor. Another site, that of 'Is not It Cool News' went directly to LucasFilms to try to confirm the report and the result was, as expected, negative.
"Thank you for your email. Lucasfilm is currently working on a version 3D Star Wars films. "This was the resounding response from Laura Wuhlhammer, the communications department of the producer of Lucas. He also denied the possibility of releasing films in the series with 3D technology, such as going to Disney Toy Story. "Lucasfilm has no plans to work on a 3D version of the Star Wars movies.
A response is not surprising since this is not the first time that Hollywood studios endlessly deny a rumor that the time makes the news confirmed. The more than 3,000 million euros that have grossed in theaters two Star Wars trilogies and more than likely be blockbuster who eventually defoliation Avatar Daisy Lucas.
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