The ambiguity in the information related to Alzheimer's several pages of Internet leads to widespread confusion among those who resort to them before any signs of loved ones.
Vulture to inform and educate (as applicable) from the root of the disease began with a series of episodes on this disease, which is one of the main reasons why they are hospitalized to grandparents in a nursing home, ( that most of the time sharpens the picture)
1 No Surrender
Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease characterized clinically by dementia slow progressing, and pathologically by the presence of abundant neuritic plaques and lesions neurofibrillary cortex brain.
of "Shadows" Beatriz Martínez, Salta, 2004
I've caught, man. You Fried! Do not get escape from my clutches. Soon, very soon, your face will turn the color of wax, your eyes appear cloudy and dilated pupils. You'll never laugh, not to mourn. When you have to feed you do not know how, because you've forgotten the movements necessary for chewing and swallowing. Lose skin, hair, muscles, bones, blood. As a ghost walk aimlessly, stumbling here and there, bringing you the things ahead. Day and night will walk without speaking or mumbling incoherently. So see you until your heart explodes. Although on second thought, might save you the hassle of both walk and prostrate in a chair with a notebook and pencil in your hands, then I would write like a robot, for hours. At the end of a book, you immediately give another and another pencil if you were necessary, that your writing was like a book of sand, endless, endless ... You'll be smelling of grease, sweat, urine, poo, but do not know ... Outside the world will continue rolling with laughter and tears, you will not mind. Your friends come to visit, do not recognize. Ever get tired of you and will not return anymore, nor do I care. The clock will continue their campaigns do not listen. The mirror will reflect how a human wreck, do not you see ... However, one day I apiadaré of you .... Someone will come to get you through the indifferent streets to a cemetery away from the bustle of the city and finally rest. The shadow is gone, but not forgetting to leave your name engraved in black letters at the head of my bed, "Alzheimer's."
of "Watch where. Autobiography reasoned "Fernando Sabater
" ... I am writing fiction (his mother admitted to a residence for more )...; you write it now but still you're not, ie when still part of my concerns but I'm not in yours, of which so often - oh! - I was leading. Do you still have some concerns today, in spite of Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis or whatever you call the illness that has robbed you learned that the mind can not cure? I suppose, are caused by cold, heat, hunger or any other discomfort, that is always related to the deprivation of the few pleasures only negative you still have ... I've been "blown away" to my grandmother, my father and my mother, either by Alzheimer's disease itself for subsequent stroke or arteriosclerosis, the clinical category of the sentence is unimportant, all that matters is the penalty, the inexorable sentence. I hope my part in the disastrous chain and envision their arrival at each name I forget each appointment or wrong. "
Alois Alzheimer (1864 - 1915) Born in Marktbreit

First description of the disease in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist and pathologist. Subsequently gave its name to the disease.
Although the actual prevalence of Alzheimer's disease is unknown, is estimated to affect over 25 million people worldwide and about 850,000 in Spain. The prevalence of Alzheimer disease, and represents 60-80% of all dementias and increase significantly in coming decades.
In the year 2040 will suffer from Alzheimer's 80 million people internationally, "which means more than triple its prevalence." Currently, although cases of early disease (1-2%), the usual symptoms begin to appear after 60-65 years, although the incidence of neurological disease increases with age, doubling every five years from 65.
Regarding the term "Alzheimer's disease it causes in the case record of a 51-year-old named Auguste D. Who had been admitted to hospital Frankfurt on November 25, 1901, with signs of dementia.
Alzheimer himself examined the patient and his handwriting is written: "it remains sitting on the bed with an expression of helplessness. I ask: what is your name?" Auguste. "And your name? Auguste. And the name of her husband? Auguste, I think. Does your husband? "Ah, my husband ... (She looks as if he did not understand the question). Are you married? With Auguste." Mr. D.? Yes with Auguste D ".
Auguste D. He died in April 1906 due to septicemia resulting from pressure sores, her brain was sent to Dr. Alzheimer from Frankfurt to Munich E. Sioli.
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