Perhaps a life lesson and an example that age does not mark the passage of time ... maybe all or none, but the fact is that the story of Olive Riley Some want to tell you the chances are you already know it but another not.
Olive Riley was the oldest blogger in the world with its 107 years began, in July of 2007 to write their own blog called The Life of Riley. The grandmother, Australian nationality, recounted in his page as nothing and plays with his grandchildren. In his blog told the stories of his life. In its beginnings with only three posts in a few days, his blog became a phenomenon thousands of Internet users visited. In one of them, Riley thanked everyone who visited her "blob"; says it can not believe how many people -192 000 people, who visit from as far away as Italy, Scotland and India.
Thus, the Australian woman who was born on October 20, 1899 in Broken Hill, near Sydney, snatched the title of world's oldest blogger Maria Amelia, a grandmother, a native of Galicia, Spain, who writes itself: A his 95 years.
In his last contribution on the internet spoke of a "happy song", he wrote, she sang all days for the sake of your health.
Riley, who lived through two world wars, he worked as a cook and waitress and was the mother of three children, was a passionate blogger.
died at 108 years in New South Wales, Australia, said the news channel CNN.julio/2008 At that time he had made 70 postings in his last contribution on the internet spoke of a "happy song", he wrote, she sang every day for good health.
"It was so lovely. Rest in peace," wrote many of his fans on Internet message
blog is read in the English Blogger Maria Amelia (now the oldest Blogger) that keeps the blog the help of his grandson a poem dedicated to Olive posted on a post. She (Maria Amelia) has become the world's oldest blogger after the death of Olive Riley (108 years) with who-ever-exchanged opinion. In next post, the vulture will make you well-deserved strong reminder to the English born 23, 1911 Maria Amelia deDiciembre This was the first post of Olive OLIVE'S FIRST

I Was Born in Broken Hill on Oct. 20th 1899. Broken Hill is a mining town, far away in the center of my native Australia.

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