Geriatric Trout
A problem that everyone knows and no faces.
Here in Concepcion del Uruguay is a clear example. City officials know it works without sign and claim it "despite the ordinance? and why? The reason main which placed no identificatory cartel is to avoid being caught by the municipality. But here in Uruguay there is a Conception HOUSE STREET BETTY JUNE 8 AND A HALF A BLOCK OF GALICIA BANK, THE CENTER, IN A FIRST FLOOR ABOVE THE OPTICAL-GERIATRIC SOCIAL disabled (no sign identifies thorium) BUT DOES THE "FRIENDSHIP" of its owner BEATRIZ Chiapello AND HER HUSBAND MR. Petraglia with municipal authorities. BEFORE AND NOW
relatare what happens daily in major cities with the Geriatric (trout) no identification on his forehead. Not have adequate facilities or personnel. But
charge municipal agent rings the bell and asked to voice command: "But we have a report that runs a nursing home here.
"It's a lie, the only people who are here are our relatives.
inspectors know many geriatric "phony", that work without authorization or controls. But they do nothing. If they enter by force commit "violation of domicile" because it is a house that has no municipal rating, meaning that legally it is a particular. To act would need a search warrant from a judge, a rare procedure, as recognized.
Only in the capital, according to the Union Argentina Gerontological Provider, operating between 200 and 250 illegal sites, compared with about 800 legal. (EN CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY HERE ARE BETWEEN 15 AND 18 AGAINST ILLEGAL 7, TO THE MUNICIPALITY has publicly acknowledged that DO NOT MEET THE LAW - MAIN CHARGE: ADRIANA MORABLES, BUT ARE CONSIDERED LEGAL ¡!!!!!!!!!).
The crisis is increasingly geriatric phony. Inadequate facilities and staff have no training, but prices are lower than in other nursing homes. What to do about this problem that everyone knows but no face? If closed down, as there is no alternative paths for their care, for elderly should not live where and how the owners will know indolent exploit the situation. The 1400 weights at least one geriatric legal charges are a world away from the 400 to 500 pesos a month it costs trucho. "As bad attention than no attention" is evil and wicked logic to explain the municipal authorities control Concepcion del Uruguay. There are also
"Geriatric Golondrinas" is located in homes without adequate facilities, no staff and abuse everyday design example here is the last open Geriatric (¡!!) Pearl Mono Martínez Artusi street and 26 West (near) Do not take personal and working in the black. Begin with three or four test-beds for when captured more than 15 customers move to a rental property
In practice, Geriatric Golondrinas only give food and shelter. .
But when the known (Santa Rita / San Cayetano / Bonnin Bonnin I and II, ... ...) will be carrying out inspections and detect them innumerales failures and faults (as Adriana said Morabe (Director of Older Adults in the municipality of Concepción Uruguay) None could work and nothing is done, leaving room for abuse, mistreatment and sometimes HOMICIDE. (SEE PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRY)
M. tiene 84 años y vivía en un geriátrico que para los vecinos de C.del U. se llamaba S.R. Un día denunció haber recibido golpes en el pecho y el abdomen. Igual que otra de los 15 internados, E. G. de 73 años. A ella le encontraron golpes en las piernas, aparentemente recibidos cuando le colocaban la "chata" para que haga sus necesidades. La dueña, Sra de H. hizo su descargo: los golpes habían sido por caídas y los ancianos habían sido abandonados por sus familiares. Al ser controlado el geriátrico se descubrió que hasta las eventuales caídas eran por problemas de infraestructura: no había pasamanos en los pasillos ni personal especializado. Que paso:???? NADA- - NADA.
La clausura NEVER arrives.
Within this trade lies to sell these statements are untrue:
• Those who sell "personal attention" in "a small house."
• Those who pretend to be legal and forever have a pending rating. These often remain open to judicial remedies ..
• "swallow", which are moving from house to house, usually leaving unpaid rent and abandoned the internees.