How to eliminate cellulite home remedies Cellulite appears when adipose cells are responsible for storing fat that demands our bodies grow abnormally, which obstructs blood flow, difficult tissue oxygenation and toxin elimination.
a result appears in the subcutaneous tissue superficial well-known "orange peel" which is easy to find (only be felt and gently pinch the area to be considered as affected) and to identify (skin irregularities and depressions).
is important to note that cellulite only affects the woman, the man may be very overweight, but not cellulite. This suggests that is related to female hormones such as progesterone (enhances the accumulation of fat) and estrogen (increases fluid retention). For that reason, it appears or increases significantly during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Besides the above, cellulite is benefiting from the characteristics of female adipose tissue and its vertical.
There are three types of cellulite:
The emerging, it really is very superficial and can easily be combated. A soft or flaccid
which may have a little more resistance.
The edematous, often causing pain and some swelling and which must be tackled immediately.
areas where cellulite usually appears in the knees, legs, ankles, inside of the arms, waist, hips, buttocks, neck and neck.
Its causes are diverse which include:
hereditary factor.
Weaknesses in blood-purifying organs (kidneys and lungs) Inadequate nutrition
circulatiorios Issues Problems with the endocrine system
Depression Anxiety
If you identify that cellulite is caused by food, it is necessary to adopt a diet based on food choices that produce the least amount of toxins as possible.
In other words, it requires a non-toxic diet which includes teas, juices, homemade fruit and vegetables and eliminating alcohol and carbon dioxide, artificial fruit juices, coffee, hot spices and canned products that contain chemical additives and sodium for preservation. You should also avoid eating white bread, and seafood are high in fat, butter and cheese.
Folk Remedies Cellulite Remedy # 1: To help eliminate toxins from the body and thus reduce cellulite, you should prepare an infusion of horsetail or Aeschylus to which requerirá5 grams of dried horsetail and 1 / 2 liters of water. In a bowl, place the plant crushed and poured boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. Filtered and sweetened. It takes all night 1 cup of this infusion.
Cellulite Remedy # 2: Another remedy for detoxifying the body is making a tea of \u200b\u200bmeadowsweet. Required 25 grams of meadowsweet (leaves, flowers and roots) or 1 / 2 liter of water. It is preferable to use the fresh plant, but can be used dry. In a bowl pour hot water (but still not boiling) to ulmaria. Is covered for 10 minutes. Filtered and takes a little of this tea, two or three times a day for 10 days.
Cellulite Remedy # 3: You can make compresses cellulite mediante2 liters of water. Then allowed to marinate for 24 hours, two large handfuls of ivy and two of sage. Filtered and then soaked with liquid cotton towel and apply on the affected part.
Cellulite Remedy # 4: For bathing, mix equal parts celandine, heather, grass and add a large onion into slices. Prepare an infusion CON2 liters of water, allow to cool and filter. Return to heat the liquid to take bath.
Cellulite Remedy # 5: To massage the affected areas of cellulite lotion can be prepared as follows: In a mortar, must be crushed ivy leaves until they release some juice. This juice is then placed in a glass jar with almond oil. Fucus is added (it is a seaweed that is dried and herbalists). After 40 days, filtered and can be used immediately.
Cellulite Remedy # 6: Another recipe for external use to combat cellulite is to prepare an ointment with 2 parts oil, fucus, 2 parts comfrey oil, 1 part calendula oil, 1 part oil Hypericum and beeswax. When cool, add 10 drops of oil of geranium, 10 drops of oil of juniper and 10 drops of oil of sage. If desired, can be applied twice daily
Cellulite Remedy # 7: Mix 14 drops of lemon oil, 3 Atlas cedar, ponderosa pine 5 and 3 of cypress with a tablespoon of rosehip oil . Then, it should be massaged into the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs and abdomen where they present the "orange peel". It is ideal to accompany these massages with proper diet and detoxification. Besides tomarmucha mineral water. (Choice of aromatherapy)
Cellulite Remedy # 8: Take, mid-morning, three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in half a glass of water. It is also advisable to eat plenty of citrus and reduce salt intake.
Cellulite Remedy # 9: Eat cherries and pumpkins, as they have diuretic properties and deslntoxlcantes.
Cellulite Remedy # 10: Take fresh pineapple in the morning and evening, as it has few calories and is rich in bromelain, a enzyme that promotes the absorption of proteins prevents the formation of cellulite.
Cellulite Remedy # 11: Add two cups boiling water 1 pinch of mallow flowers, 1 and 1 birch verbena. Let stand five minutes and not sweetened. Take this tea in the morning on an empty stomach.
Cellulite Remedy # 12: Pour 1 pint of boiling water over 50 g of rosemary leaves and let stand, covered, for 30 minutes. Perform massages on the affected areas