days ago
portal LT11 reading. NET, I found an incomparable beauty, from its beginning: "Grandpa .... Although Do not be that ... "me anymore sensitized by the physical presence, but more so the feeling of a presence in the heart. Perhaps the neighbors, acquaintances ... I do not see more, but their grandchildren if, and may not be necessary to look to the sky, enough to use a mirror to see it, for when her grandchildren to stand against him, reflecting the image of her beloved grandfather. This grandchild is branded as a tattoo on the skin the marks of his grandfather and one day of those grandparent and grandchildren will remember him well ... ... ... Tata Cacho because Grandpa was not, is part of you, for you flows the blood of his teaching, his love, so much so many sunrises and sunsets, so many birthdays, so many hugs trembling ... ... ... .. Soneyra family
Thanks for this tribute to a grandfather SINOMINO LIFE AND HISTORY

Grandpa ... Although you are not ... Posted by Flia
. Soneyra (not verified) on Fri, 28/08/2009 - 22:08.
Although you do not remember every time you look at the sky, when we have any doubt about how good or bad to think of what we say and every time you remember from dictionaries and crossword ... Although
you no longer remember every time you look at the river, if you would be the first drop of rain and if the sun to come later, will be the first ray that lights our way as you always did, as the pillar of the family who were always ...
While you're no longer remember your strong character and your words just, who taught me to be a better person. Because your eyes would tender disguised more than once made me laugh, with your wisdom in silence left me to grow and your patience simulating quiet awaits each of us to try to learn from our mistakes ...
Although you're not remembered as a role model for all appointed before and to be able to get ahead by dint of will, which always had ...
Thanks for teaching me to be stronger and as the grandfather who was always on the hilt of his grandchildren!
Every day that passes will be living in your memory and even though you are no longer physically, every time we breathe is in your name, to wake up every morning grateful for having had and have been part of us ...
When there is no other way to go we are satisfied with the past and with his heart in his hand never forget. We still have to let go of the person we love, knowing that we will suffer, but with the reassurance that they will no longer suffer ...
A person is measured by what is in the heart and its ability to help, so it will assert that my grandfather was a great person ...
to us is your memory tata, and we have the life ... To live in your honor ... Tata Cacho
For you
05/08/1930 to 08/27/2009